About Us
Liter of Light
A global ambassador for UNESCO’s International Day of Light, Liter of Light teaches green skills and creates green jobs for communities on the front lines of climate change.
We offer a unique model for community empowerment through our Net Zero initiatives for climate action, where we integrate technical know-how with hyper local production and green skills.
We work with families, local cooperatives, volunteers, and partners to build simple solar reading lights, mobile charging systems, and street lights using readily available materials.
Our programs amplify voices from the most climate vulnerable communities. Through our interactive campaigns that invite everyone to do their part, we create space for new voices to be heard and remind each person that they have the power to make a difference.
We’ve illuminated one million lives a year across more than 30 countries since 2013, working with over 650 women’s cooperatives and thousands of volunteers.
Since 2018, we've built some of the largest participative solar art installations to raise awareness on hyper-local solutions to energy poverty.